




Lens Lab Express Blog

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How to Match Your Frames to Your Vision Correction Needs and Your Personal Style and Fashion Preferences

Vision correction is a necessity for a large section of the population, and it's a reality you might be facing. Whether it's due to age, genetics, or lifestyle, your eyes may require aid to function optimally. This primarily involves the use of eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct refractive errors, helping you see clearly and comfortably. With the right pair of eyeglass frames, you can enhance your personal style while also addressing your vision needs.

How Comprehensive Eye Exams Uncover Silent Medical Red Flags

You might be wondering, what exactly is a comprehensive eye exam? Unlike a basic vision screening, a comprehensive eye exam involves a series of tests to fully assess your vision and the health of your eyes. It goes beyond the standard eye chart test and can detect a range of eye diseases and conditions at their early stages.

Contact Lens Care and Maintenance: Dos and Don'ts

The first step to ensuring that your contact lenses remain in optimal condition is understanding the basics of contact lens care. This includes knowing how to clean contacts, how to store them, and how to care for them on a daily basis.

How to Clean Glasses Properly, and What Not to Do

Everything people wear gets dirty, including eyeglasses. Having grime, smudges, and dirt on your eyeglasses makes seeing through them difficult. Fortunately, you can learn to make them look fresh and brand new by knowing the best ways to clean them. It is also vital that you know what you should avoid doing to avoid damaging delicate eyeglass parts.

Battling Dry Eyes in Cold Weather

The cold months mean dealing with cold days and dry eyes again. According to the National Institutes of Health, freezing, dry air can affect your hair, skin, and even your eyes. This results in a condition called dry eyes. Insufficient moisture in the air results in eye irritation. Below are the things you can do to fight off dry eyes during the cold months. 

Eye Exams Vs. In-school Vision Screenings for Kids

Every parent aims to give their child the best in life that they can offer. Part of this entails that their child thrives in school and enjoys a better quality of life. One way to actualize this is often through ensuring that your child is in good health, both physically and visually. Eyesight plays a significant role in the quality of life of a child.

How The Sun Affects Your Eyes

Despite the additional sunshine that we see during the summer, many people still aren’t aware of the damaging effects that exposure to UV light without protection can have on their eyes and vision. Here’s what you need to know about how the sun affects your eyes and what you can do to prevent he damage that it can cause and preserve your long-term eye health.

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

When performing a contact lens exam, the optometrist will evaluate and monitor the patient's cornea. The optometrist will assess the effect of the contact lenses as they sit on top of the cornea. They will note scratches or pressure leading to unusual corneal shapes and investigate what could be causing the contact lenses to be uncomfortable or ineffective.

How to Pick the Perfect Pair of Glasses

So, you need to use prescription eyewear to help you see clearly. If you’ve not had glasses before, choosing the right pair for the very first time can be a little daunting. Whether it’s selecting the right frames, making sure that they fit well, or deciding what lenses will work for you, our team is on hand to help make sure that you get the right glasses for you.

Are Contact Lenses Right for Me?

If you have been wearing eyeglasses, you might be considering making a switch to contact lenses. Maybe you have just learned that you need vision correction and you would prefer contacts over glasses. Whatever your reason may be, contact lenses can be very convenient and versatile. 

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